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Principal's News

October is here and we welcome our Preschool students! 

All students are settling well with routines and new faces in the building. We have completed our pre-assessments to gauge where students are at this point in the school year for class. The grade 1-3’s had their provincial tests in numeracy and literacy and the Grade 2-9’s had their first round of 3T testing. These assessments help the teacher craft their lessons accordingly to help support and target any concerns and identify strengths.

If you have questions about your child’s classes' programming, please contact your teacher directly. They are the best to answer your questions and clarify any misunderstandings or communication.

We continue to focus on the pillars set out in our School’s plan for literacy, numeracy, social well-being, and inclusion.

Bussing - Along with the bus drivers, we ask that all parents remind and enforce that the students are to behave appropriately on the bus. Safety is always of the utmost importance when transporting students each day and the rules of the bus must be followed. 

We also ask that you please remember to notify the school and your bus drivers if your student will not be on the bus or there is a change to their end-of-the-day routine. This includes if they participate in afterschool programs, or if they have made arrangements with you to stay to watch games.  If your child is being picked up by someone else or is to go with someone else at the end of the day, both the driver and the school need to know as soon as possible. We appreciate your help in this matter to ensure there is less confusion at the end of the day for bus drivers, staff, and students. 

Our phone system gremlins are still active in the lines causing issues in contacting us at the school. We have been actively trying to work with others to fix this problem and apologize for the frustration of not being able to contact our school. We are continuing to solve this problem.  If you are having trouble getting through, please feel free to contact us through my cell phone at 403 740 3269 if you are unable to reach us. 

Our Terry Fox Run was a huge success! Mrs. Buchwitz has calculated the pledges, and our school raised an amazing $2565! WAY TO GO TIGERS!! Thank you for all of your support!